So having spent the morning all day practising the Presentation, rewriting the script, changing the script, practising the presentation
via Skype works with 3 three different people I feel very motivated and ready to present my presentation to everyone tomorrow!!
I FINALLY worked out how to share screen's on Skype so that the other person can see my Power Point, myself and them all on the same screen.....
I was lucky enough to squeeze in a rehearsal Skype with Hannah Shepherd which was really interesting to compare each others presentation and provide each other feedback as we are the only 2 doing the presentations via Skype.
It was also interesting to talk about what each of our plans are next.
I and am thinking of trying to gain work in a primary school level as a teaching assistant and after school dance clubs as well!
I have approached my Presentation with my peers in mind and am looking forward to engaging in question and answers to share their thoughts, ideas and concepts of the enquiry as a whole!!!
I wish everyone the best of luck! Keep calm, talk steady and smile!