Wednesday, 30 October 2013




            For this section I am going to research further into the rules and regulations required to those within specific to public schools. However from my knowledge and experience I am focusing on the following principles of codes of practise and regulations:



All children have the right to be safeguarded from harm and exploitation whatever their:

·         Race, Religion, first language and ethnicity
·         Gender or Sexuality
·         Age
·         Heath or disability
·         Location of placement
·         Political or immigration status



  • Ensuring the environment is safe and the welfare of the children and staff is paramount.
  • Assessing the quality of the flooring, space and furniture within the room to prevent any injuries which may potentially occur.
  • Any accidents which may occur, maintaining a record up to date that could be reviewed at a later date if needed, clearly stating the relevant information.
  • Providing a suitable first aid box and contact list of parents in the event of an emergency.
  • Particularly in unfamiliar venues, familiarise yourself with the fire exits, first aid boxes, toilets and other members of the public using the facilities.
  • Being aware of any student’s medical requirements for the class on the day they enrol.
  • The appropriate number of chaperones, legally taking care of the students in a professional and organised manner.
  • Ensuing the building is safely secured when leaving.



·         All parents and student information must be kept in a secure place that only the principle, staff or the parent have access to when required.

·         Ensuring confidentiality is adhered to at all times and any issues or concerns raised are noted by those involved and logged safely by the owner of the premises.

·         Certify from parents or guardians the permission to film or photograph their children and only allow the viewing to be of those requested to view it.



·         Work in a positive and cooperative manner with other colleagues

·         Ensuring the facilities are maintained and provide a safe environment depending upon the weather conditions

·         Remain up to date with any syllabus changes and be responsible for maintaining professional development.

·         Appear to be providing an equal environment to not discriminate against race, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability and religion.

·         Adhere to the correct uniform or clothing for the role and ensure students do too to avoid any accidents. For example wearing of socks on the wrong type of flooring, trousers being too long and hair not neatly tided back.

·         Ensuring the music is suitable for the age of the class and does not include explicit content and that you have your PPL insurance to be able to play music in public.

·         Be assured that you have taken out Public Liability Insurance which acts as a safety net in the event of any accident or injury occurred during class time for yourself and the student.



  1. Who founded the subject of dance?

  1. Why was dance introduced into the curriculum?

  1. What are the benefits to teachers and students of choosing dance?

  1. What are the challenges one might face for choosing dance teaching as a career choice?

  1. What are the differences of teaching dance within the public and private sector?

  1. From a teachers perspective what attributes are required of a dance teacher to a potential employer?

  1. From a students perspective what aspects does a teacher present to inspire and motivate the class?

  1. Are you aware of the method of how a student learns kinaesthetically?

  1. As a teacher or student have you ever come across being integrated with peers of learning difficulties and how did you approach their learning differently?




            Having spoken to Paula on Tuesday to gain an overview of what is expected of Module 2 I found these further ideas and questions were developing throughout the conversation.


She advised that I need to look at my inquiry and allow it to change and develop through literature and the research of my findings. There were a few questions that I came up with in which to think of:

  • Choose a topic, sample findings from Literature to back up my chosen topic and research.
  • Look at other practioners views and opinions of my chosen inquiry
  • Critical thinking involves the ideas of others
  • Look at the heart and centre of the inquiry and how you can relate it to schools to understand what is expected.
  • Used Jonny as an example who is currently working on a project of why Drama is so important within schools in particular for special needs students
  • SPECIAL NEEDS: This led me onto adding the question of teaching children of special needs and the how the approach may differ?
  • This also lead onto discussing the concept of kinaesthetic learning, in which a student would preferably learn, this is the thought of ‘’doers’’ rather than ‘’thinkers’’
  • KINAESTHIC LEARNING: This being a subject I am very interested in, having done this previously through the written work of the ISTD. I feel it is essential to gain an awareness of the theory behind kinaesthetic learning. I would like to develop my knowledge of this to present and include within my inquiry to potential employers. Some teachers may not know of the process of kinaesthetic learning, I feel it is a vital tool that can assist the way in which you teach students on a daily basis.
  • NETWORK: I have recently developed my network of peers and collegues to gain feedback and research which I aim to use as my main core of gaining the understanding of the teaching of Arts within the curriculam.
I will take into consideration the feedback from Paula and Alan and redo my questions accordingly.

Sunday, 13 October 2013


I have set up an Open Group on my Facebook account titled  ''SIG MODULE 2'' and would like to suggest that we communicate on a regular basis, as often as possible to share ideas.

If you are not already a friend of mine on Facebook please add me and join the group at

Alternatively if you would like to communicate please contact via Skype then my username is natalie.kirk83

Hope to chat to you soon....

Natalie X


            Having looked at some Blogs and read the course reader I need to approach something which is relevant to me that will develop my professional practise to a further level. Having taught predominately in the private sector I want to develop my knowledge of teaching in the public sector to enable me to succeed within my profession.

            I will look at approaching the view of my friends, work colleagues, associates and students whom are all working within the industry. Below are the list of questions I am posing to start with for gaining feedback from:

  • Why was Dance introduced into the curriculum and why do people choose it as a profession?

  • What are the benefits of offering dance within the curriculum?

  • For those who have completed the dance qualification and taught it could you provide feedback of the subject?

  • What particular attributes are required of a dance teacher?

  • What are its strengths, weaknesses opportunities and threats of the dance profession?
Please write any comments you wish with your thoughts and opinions on these questions or any more that may develop from these. I look forward to sharing ideas and thoughts with you all to learn through sharing our views.