Sunday, 13 October 2013


I have set up an Open Group on my Facebook account titled  ''SIG MODULE 2'' and would like to suggest that we communicate on a regular basis, as often as possible to share ideas.

If you are not already a friend of mine on Facebook please add me and join the group at

Alternatively if you would like to communicate please contact via Skype then my username is natalie.kirk83

Hope to chat to you soon....

Natalie X


  1. Hi Natalie,

    I have also posted this on my blog to see if people want to gone the group. Iv messaged you back on the SIG group page. xx

  2. Hi Natalie,

    Here is some feedback on your questions:

    • Why was Dance introduced into the curriculum and why do people choose it as a profession? Two different questions, ask one question, its more coherent.

    • What are the benefits of offering dance within the curriculum?
    Good, but what type of benefits? Health, fitness? I would suggest you fix on one type of benefit, so you can get a deeper insight. Also, who is deciding on the ‘benefit’? Teaches? Schools? Parents? Government? This will give you a more focused inquiry. For example, you could look at the benefits cited in polity documents.

    • For those who have completed the dance qualification and taught it could you provide feedback of the subject? Not sure hat this means – needs greater coherency as a question.

    • What particular attributes are required of a dance teacher?
    According to whom? Looks too vague and broad.

    • What are its strengths, weaknesses opportunities and threats of the dance profession? Wow, far too big. You’d need to be a savant to tackle this.

    Questions need to be crafted, and you need to keep them more specific and focused so that they can be answered. Avoid questions that look for ‘the best way to’ and any question that encourages you to give your opinion. The inquiry will contain your summing up of your findings, but these will be grounded in data. The wider the focus, the wider the data, the more likely you will end substituting analysis with your own prejudice and opinions, and the work will suffer because of it. So keep a focus on a question that can be answered and that does not rely on your opinion (its not that your opinion is not of value, but it will not substitute for the analysis of data gathered).
