Monday, 6 January 2014

Critical Reflection on Professional Practice Inquiry

I have felt this module has been an interesting path within my practice. I felt more established in my theory of what was required within Module two than that of Module One. When choosing the Inquiry Questions for Reader 4, I needed to change them a number of times as feedback from my tutor was that they were too broad and not specific enough. I struggled to gain feedback from my peers and colleagues as they all stated they were either too busy or wasn't sure as to what to write. I tried to gain feedback initially via email of specifically my friends I know whom are dance teachers or working in the Arts. I then reverted to Facebook as it is more accessible to a larger group of people.

 From talking to Georgie Bird who’s currently doing Module 3 she suggested to work on a one on one basis with individuals as it would be more personal than writing the information so broadly for all to see as Facebook does. I also spoke with Lizzy Rowden who is currently doing Module Two and opened her questions to all her friends on Facebook, not necessarily within the Arts and gained a better response from. I then wrote to a number of schools whom currently offer Dance as a subject and they were happy to assist in my research process. The two schools I contacted were either teachers of students I used to teach or musical directors I had previously worked with. This made my procedure far easier rather than walking blindfolded into a school asking for help. I feel that the approach to gaining feedback will need to be a far more organised one through ensuring enough time is allowed for gathering and analyzing the data.

The view of Ethics I found to be that of a confusing one. On speaking to Adesola on a Skype session for a Campus session she advised that Ethics are about looking at a number of opinions as appose to my own judgmental view. It is not what is the right or wrong answer it is looking at different views and stating a non judgmental opinion of what’s written. The factors of ethical implications within this module related to the schools of which I was contacting. To gain permission I would need to approach this in the right way. By asking permission to arrange a meeting with a teacher and observing some classes. You would have to ask permission of the head teacher and the teacher in question, their parents and your employer. It is important you make clear of your purpose of gaining research and what you intend on doing with the research gained. I intend on giving them the opportunity of reading through your essay on completion.

Reader 6 I found to be far clearer to understand and read through. I found the Survey Monkey a far simpler way of gaining feedback data from. It was efficient and quicker way of gaining research than emailing individuals and they couldn't see what other people had written which may have been their hesitation previously. With the current changes being made to the educational system I need to gain further research on the issues being discussed by the political parties. It is not the best time to be coming into education as told by friends whom are teachers and it is important to have an alternative plan of how to carry my degree through to teach in schools.

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