Sunday, 9 February 2014


Title: What are the likely impacts on Dance teaching in the maintained sector driven by the introduction of the English Baccalaureate?
Questions: Feedback from Alan: My advice is to work now to craft better questions that lead to discussion and consideration of a range of perspectives. Therefore to not ask questions that require a yes or no answer as this has no place to gain an overall perspective on the question in hand. I am also targeting my questions now onto Dance teachers and head teachers within the public sector of primary and secondary level. As advised by my Advisor I have removed the involvement of student feedback as this would cause considerable ethical implications and would not provide the data that I would be able to adhere to.

Head Teachers:
1.       What aspects of the Ebacc system in relation to the Arts concern you?
2.       What is your view of how these changes may be implemented?
3.       What changes will you make to adapt to the Introduction of the Ebacc system?
4.       What do you think Arts in particular Dance brings to the Educational system?
5.       How do you think the Ebacc system will affect Arts within Education for the future?

Dance Teachers:
1.       What do you think Dance brings to Education?
2.       What aspects of the Ebacc system in relation to the Arts concern you?
3.       What affect do you think the Ebacc system will have on the students you teach?
4.       What affect do you think the Ebacc system will have on your teaching?
5.       What are your thoughts on the Ebacc system?

Ethical issues:
·         The participants I intend to focus my time with are teacher and head teachers within the public sector. I removed the involvement of student’s as you would need to gain permission from the school and parent and for data protection reasons I would be unable to gain their contact information.
·         On completing an Ethical form stating the issues I endeavor to consider I will need to implement this onto the parties I am gaining feedback from.
·         By doing this I will request that they sign a consent form understanding their position within the inquiry. I am lucky to have a number of people whom I know in the education system who work as teachers. I would call upon them as my initial network to gathering the data I require.

·         Within the consent form I will include:
1.       To not include the name or place of the location which the data came from unless they allowed me the permission to do so.
2.       When dealing with a number of staff within one premise, the consideration of the way I would secure the work so that other members of staff couldn't see what had been written.
3.       If you are using transcripts or recording of the interviews, check that the participant is in awareness that their information will be used word for word at a later date.
4.       Inform the participant of what you are doing from the start.
5.       Ensure they are within complete understanding of their involvement within the project from the start.
6.       State the purpose of your goal.
7.       Inform the parties of the objectives and what will be done with the information during and after you are carrying out the inquiry.
Points to be aware of:
1.       Try and keep to your word of the length the interview may take or else they may lose confidence in you.  
2.       Providing the participant with a thank you card for their time and showing your appreciation of this as you are aware of their busy time schedule.
3.       To commit to avoid the use of sexual, racist or offensive language and to those who are disabled to ensure you abide by the Middlesex Universities policies.
4.       Offer Feedback of the participants information provided, which can be particularly important for interviews where meanings may need to be addressed.

1.       Linda Jasper, Director of Youth Dance England, “An Overview of the campaign to fight for the position of dance in schools and the curriculum in England.”
2.       AQA GCSE Dance Outline Syllabus booklet explaining the requirements of the subject.
3.       Department of Education Article of Michael Gove’s titled “Securing our children’s future”
4.       Article from the Guardian titled “What Michael Gove’s statement means for the Arts” written by Charlotte Higgins
5.       The Stage Magazine Article titled “ACE funds GCSE Arts review in drive to improve cultural education written by Nicola Merrifield.

As I began reviewing the Literature I discovered a need for Clarification. It was not clear as to if the Arts have been removed from the Ebacc system or not. Therefore I plan to contact the department of Education requesting for some documentation that clarifies the current status on this and then I can proceed with organizing my title and research.


  1. HI Natalie, good to see you off an running with Module 3! I think this is an interesting topic as it reflects how quickly the government can change their curriculum policies and the effects that it has on different subjects although it is usually the arts that are most impacted. You would assume that with the government talking about reverting to a curriculum that would benefit more vocational studies that the arts would be strongly represented within it. However, I can understand that their priority is to get every child to a reasonable standard at English and Maths. Look forward to reading more as you find out more!

    Kym xx

  2. Hi Natalie,
    Your topic is very closely linked to my enquiry - mine was entitled 'An exploration in to the importance of dance and drama in secondary education'. If you would like to take a look at my blog, is under 'Sarah Pearson' and I graduated in May 2013. I recommend looking up Sir Ken Robinson's TED talk on 'Schools kill creativity' too. He should take over from Michael Gove in my opinion! Best of luck
    Sarah Gallagher x

  3. Thank you both for your comments...Kym from doing further research I have found that Arts do tend to be devalued somewhat in the education system. I think a lot of this is to do with Micheal Gove's introduction of the Ebacc system that has given focus solely on the more academic subjects and is having a huge affect on Arts within education.

  4. Hi there Sarah, thank you so much for reading my Blog and commenting on it. Thank you for the recommendation, I will certainly check that out. How have you been getting on since graduating? I know this may be cheeky of me but I am organizing a Group Skype session tomorrow at 9:00-9:45 and 16:00-16:45 if your free and would mind joining? I'd be very interested in having a chat with you with our inquiries being so similar in title? If not tomorrow then another time would be really helpful if you have time...If your on Skype, my username is natalie.kirk83 if not then I'm Natalie Kirk on Facebook and my email address there is natalie Hope to speak to you soon.

    Many Thanks

    Natalie X
