Wednesday, 12 March 2014


Kym Walton, Natalie Kirk and Hannah Shepherd: 

·         Action Research: Making an action, looking at something within your teaching, EG: Create a Facebook Page and as a result of what comes out of that would make you change your Teaching.
·         Literature Review: Discussed the relevant, strategies of displaying the Literature review.
·         Kym’s approach: Display a link to the Literature or the whole article, Quote from the Link, Question at the bottom.
·         Questionnaire response’s to demonstrate: Participant 1 and 2 opposing views. Decide who has made the most relevant point and where that lead does.
·         Discussed Question responses: For Schools: Check the last GCSE results. Demographic school to have an understanding of the type of school responding to the questions.
·         Analysis of Findings: How they all link together, how they contrast, why do they contradict each other?
·         Hannah is mapping out: 4 AREA’S: Children, Teachers, Government, and Science. Mapping out across all ages, subjects, inquire in a broad way.
·         Adolesa’s advice said map out the area’s and think about what you are expecting the class culture to be with how the dance class is now. Research will change your results.
·         Artefact: Well presented way of presenting everything, poster, book, power point presentation. Tony Hall Review of the Dance Curriculum. Idea for Artefact?

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