Tuesday 24 September 2013

Plans for the future, a moment to reflect!

Hello all, just taking a moment to write of my thoughts and plans for the future...I made the choice last year to step away from working within the Arts as it wasn't financially feasible anymore. I therefore I found a full time job to do whilst I was working through my degree and would work the degree alongside this. On reflection I can say that I struggled to find the time, energy and drive to do work to the best of my ability. I therefore looked into trying to gain some teaching experience alongside working full time. I was thrilled to be given the opportunity to be Assistant Choreographer for the show Hot Mikado for an amateur dramatics company that I become a member of, whereby I will be part of the ensemble as a performer and part of the production team that I would be co choreographer and would get the experience from both angels! I gained this by engaging within the professional network I have surrounding me to enhance my needs. I have also been asked to go back to teach some Performance based Tap classes at my previous employer which will be a class of beginners and advanced students. With this being a non syllabus class I am going to need to alter my focus and approach to the lessons to cater for their needs as a school. I shall bid you farewell for now but am looking forward to start new and term with lots of aspects to reflect and share with you all.