Thursday, 16 May 2013

TASK 3B: Theories Relating to Networking

TASK 3B- Theories relating to networking


When looking at the idea of cooperation my initial reaction was that of mixed reviews. It discusses the idea that to co-operate effectively is where “one player succeeds at another’s expense’’ this view is that of a very selfish one where the need to succeed is to do anything within your power to be successful. I believe that within the Arts for professional work this is a trait that we have all experienced at some point in our lives where we would have the need to stand out to get chosen or to impress your dance teacher in class. While a certain degree of competition is good as it creates a sense of wanting to prove oneself, however I am of the thinking that if I am kind and supportive to those around me then I will get the same degree of support in return.

Which leads me onto saying I completely agree with Katie Hurley’s idea that why we can’t work together to achieve what we wants as appose to taking advantage of someone to achieve what you want.

I am in two minds about the theory of Cooperation as my thinking of cooperation is to combine, join together and share ideas as appose to in a sense steal the idea’s of someone else to achieve what you want. However the need to suceed in buisness does sometimes mean that you need to be a little ruthless to achieve what you need. I have seen and reflected from the negatives and the positives of each aspect.  


The idea of Affiliation is that humans “enjoy and benefit from affiliations with others and why humans form relationships” and that the “network of support will help us when we are in need” I can completely agree and relate to this theory in that I bounce off so well within a team and work best when surrounded by people I know, love and get on well with. Working within a strong team who communicate well is vital in the key to maintaining a successful business. For example when doing a show I previously worked well alongside Jo Dilly, the Ballet Teacher. We were working within a school that had a majority of smaller groups within each class. We worked together to create a story entitled “The Toy Shop Journey” that would focus more on them as characters than dancers due to the mixed abilities within the group.

O’Connor & Rosenblood discuss the idea of “preferred levels of social stimulation”. Which combines the idea of the ‘’individual needing to maintain privacy at preferred levels’’ To relate this within the Teaching aspect I feel that I come across as a very confident well together individual and struggle when people are sometimes not so engaging and open minded. Particularly when teaching some quiet more shy students I find it difficult to sometimes bring them out of their shells and communicate with me. This has made me review myself as a teacher and times when you need to be more sensitive to an approach or a particular child to adapt and relate to them.
I completely agree from looking at Kym Walton’s view of not gaining to close and allowing a certain degree of distance from student to teacher. I have always tried to remain professional however create a close bond with the students I am teaching but a certain degree of ‘’privacy’’ is important when teaching.

I would be lying if I didn’t say that in the past I have formed friendships with people who I feel I could gain something from to improve my career or future job perceptions. It was purely done as a means of improving my own technique skills and experience as a teacher however sometimes realise that the opposing view did not always see it that way. However sometimes this may work in your favour without even realising it. I once offered a position within a show from knowing a director of a show I had appeared in the previous year. This could relate to the idea of “its not who you know it’s what you know”. Which I strongly believe can be the key to success within this profession.

Social Constructionism

One of the key principles of this is that it is done so by the thought of ‘Social Interaction’ and the idea that humans construct meaning of the world and their experiences of it. The thought that the world is ‘out there’ however they way we understand it is construction or a creation of our own making. It describes the importance of social process plays a huge part in how we come to understand professional networks and networking. It explains that through “interactions we can make meanings”.

To relate this to my own practise I found this to be quite a difficult task however my understanding is that through working together you can create an idea or meaning. From my previous experience I know that through working alongside someone; particularly on show choreography is so effective and worthwhile. It is relating to the old saying “a problem shared is a problem halved”. Also that the way in which we understand and view the world is different but can relate and share these varying ideas through interaction.

To interact with other members of the BAPP students is paramount in gaining the understanding and meaning of ideas that I may have not known previously.

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